UNIX comes with hundred of programmes that can divided into classes::
Integral utilities that are absolutely necessary for the operation of the computer such as the command interpreter,and
Tools those are necessary for the operation of the UNIX but provide the user with additional capabilities,such as typesetting capabilities and email.

UNIX communications
E-mail is commonplace today, but it has only come into its own in the business community within the last 10 years.
Not so with the UNIX users ,who have been enjoying e-mail for several decades.
UNIX e-mail at first permitted users on the same computer to communicate with each othervia their teminals
Applications libraries ::
Every computer programmer worth his or her own salt starteddeveloping programs for UNIX.Today there are hundred of UNIX applications that can be purchased from thirdparty vendors, In addition to the applications that come with UNIX. CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE
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