
Delete this widget in your dashboard. This is just an example.


Delete this widget in your dashboard. This is just an example.


Delete this widget in your dashboard. This is just an example.

Zones quest for solaris adminsitration


swap administration quest for solaris

Solaris volume management (SVM) quest for solaris administration

snapshot quest for solaris administration

security issues quest for solaris adminstration

samba quest for solaris adminstration

printers quest for solaris adminstration

Package & patch quest for solaris administration

Network file system quest for solaris administration

Network file system quest for solaris administration

Network file system quest for solaris administration

Job automation quest for solaris adminstration

Domain naming service (DNS) quest for solaris administration

CONTROLING SYSTEM PROCESS & SYSTEM MESSAGES quest for solaris administration

Backup & Restore (Ufsdump & ufsrestore) quest for solaris administration

Apache quest for solaris administration

Telnet,FTP,R-Utilities quest for solaris administration

networking quest for solaris administration

Network information service (NIS) quest for solaris administration

Backups (tar, cpio & dd) quest for solaris administration

account management quest for solaris administration

startup and shutdown quest for solaris administraion

  1. Check out the run control kill scripts and start scripts in the directory.
  2. Observe the who -r output and identity the current fun level the recent run level and the number of times the run level being changed.
  3. Change the default run level to SVC:/milestone/multi-user: default and reboot the system.
  4. From OBP try to boot to run level 2 or run level 3.
  5. Check out the difference by issuing init 5 on Intel as well as sparc system.
  6. Overlap an non critical file system with another non critical file system and reboot the system. then try to trouble shoot the problem.
  7. Find out the difference by entering into single user mode in both Intel as well as sparc systems.
  8. Check out the dependent and the dependency services for a service.

file system (solaris) quest

what is file system ?
It is set of control structure which prepare a disk to store, retrieve, and manipulate the data in a predefined manner.
In one word It controls the files and directories on the disk space

All of the following are the questions about file system that are very useful in interview point of view so find the answers before going to any solaris

  1. Create a file system and mount it on a directory.
  2. Observe the various options in creating a file system.
  3. Check out the various fields in the /etc/vfstab and /etc/mnttab file.
  4. Check out the location where the default file system being defined.
  5. Find out the min free space for a file system and try to increase or decrease it.
  6. Check out the options available in the format utility.
  7. Check out the physical paths and the instance names of the devices in the path_to_inst file.
  8. Check out the backup super block information without creating a file system on a mounted file system.
  9. Try to mount the CD ROM manually.
  10. Check out the options like logging, exec and large file, read only, intr in the mount command.

solaris installation quest

THe following are the most important questions for solaris installation in interview point of view
I think these are the question u should have to face in the interviews
So please find the answers for the below questions

  1. Install Solaris on X86 as well as sparc based systems and check out the difference.
  2. Partition the disk into two and install windows as sell as Solaris on the same disk.
  3. First install Solaris and then windows. Now by changing the active partition, try to get access of the Solaris.
  4. Check the difference between the Default installation and the Custom installation.
  5. Check out the cluster group that is installed on the system.
  6. Check the default log locations and try to identify the number of CD’s installed in the system.
  7. Execute kdmconfig command try to configure the keyboard, mouse, and display on the X 86 based systems.
  8. Observe all types of installation.
  9. Can we install root file system on other than 0th slice?
  10. How many operating systems can be installed on a single hard disk?


Please note: Delete this widget in your dashboard. This is just a widget example.


Please note: Delete this widget in your dashboard. This is just a widget example.


Please note: Delete this widget in your dashboard. This is just a widget example.