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Backup & Restore (Ufsdump & ufsrestore) quest for solaris administration


1. How many types of backup’s commands can we do in Solaris.
2. Understand the advantage and disadvantage of ufsdump & ufsrestore.
3. Understand all the backup levels.
4. Find out the path of the tape drive.
5. How to determine the number of tapes needed for the full backup.
6. Use the ufsdump command to create a tape backup of the /export/home file system. Make sure that /etc/dumpdates file is updated
7. How to take the initial back up ie full back up.
8. How to take the incremental backup of a file system when is scheduled for a week.
9. How to take the cumulative backup when it is scheduled for a week
10. How to back up a file system to tape
11. How can we restore in interactive.
12. Take backup of whole O>S to the tape and try to restore it back form the tape
13. Try different options available with mt command.
14. Use the mt command to rewind the tape to the beginning.
15. Take backup from network and restore it agin.
16. What are the file it is going to update when you are updating the file system backup


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Please note: Delete this widget in your dashboard. This is just a widget example.


Please note: Delete this widget in your dashboard. This is just a widget example.