
Delete this widget in your dashboard. This is just an example.


Delete this widget in your dashboard. This is just an example.


Delete this widget in your dashboard. This is just an example.

networking quest for solaris administration


  1. Install Reflection and cute ftp Software in windows 2000.
  2. Use the sys-unconfing command on up and running system and configure network information.
  3. Edit the new ip address and hostname entries in the four network configuration files and reboot the system and check whether the information is updated or not
  4. Which two commands are used to see the mac address of a Solaris sparc based system?. Try to change the mac address for the system.
  5. Create a hosts file on windows and see if you can ping using hostname.
  6. Find out the file which having all the port numbers.
  7. Edit the new ip address and hostname in the /etc/hosts file and observe the difference in /etc/inet/hosts and find out the reason.
  8. Type a command, which will display all the machines which are alive in the network.
  9. From window use the ping utility to speak to the unix box and see whether the server responds or not.


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Please note: Delete this widget in your dashboard. This is just a widget example.


Please note: Delete this widget in your dashboard. This is just a widget example.


Please note: Delete this widget in your dashboard. This is just a widget example.