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solaris installation quest


THe following are the most important questions for solaris installation in interview point of view
I think these are the question u should have to face in the interviews
So please find the answers for the below questions

  1. Install Solaris on X86 as well as sparc based systems and check out the difference.
  2. Partition the disk into two and install windows as sell as Solaris on the same disk.
  3. First install Solaris and then windows. Now by changing the active partition, try to get access of the Solaris.
  4. Check the difference between the Default installation and the Custom installation.
  5. Check out the cluster group that is installed on the system.
  6. Check the default log locations and try to identify the number of CD’s installed in the system.
  7. Execute kdmconfig command try to configure the keyboard, mouse, and display on the X 86 based systems.
  8. Observe all types of installation.
  9. Can we install root file system on other than 0th slice?
  10. How many operating systems can be installed on a single hard disk?


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Please note: Delete this widget in your dashboard. This is just a widget example.


Please note: Delete this widget in your dashboard. This is just a widget example.