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Solaris volume management (SVM) quest for solaris administration


1. Create a single meta database on a disk and check whether the volumes can be created on other disk without metadata base
2. Create multiple soft partition and check whether raid levels can be implemented on them
3. Create multiple replicas copies of metadata in a single command,
4. Try to create a volume without a single metadata base
5. Create an mirror volume and try to increase the size
6. Try to attach a new sub mirror to a mirrored volume.
7. Create a raid-5 volume and try to increase the size.
8. Create an mirror volume and mount it provide some data in it and then detach an sub mirror and check the data in he previous volume and new volume
9. Try to clear an volume recursively and check out the difference
10. Create an hot spare pool and try to allocate it to more then one volume.
11. Check out the write operations raid 1 is fast or raid5.
12. Create concat and stripe volume and execute the metastat command and find out the difference between concat and stripe volume.
13. What is minimum requirement of slices creating the raid 5 volume.


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